describe and represent shape, location, and movement by applying geometric properties and spatial relationships in order to navigate the world around them

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Geometric Reasoning
E1.1 sort three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional shapes according to one attribute at a time, and identify the sorting rule being used E1.1 sort and identify two-dimensional shapes by comparing number of sides, side lengths, angles, and number of lines of symmetry E1.1 sort, construct, and identify cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones by comparing their faces, edges, vertices, and angles
E1.2 construct three-dimensional objects, and identify two-dimensional shapes contained within structures and objects E1.2 compose and decompose two-dimensional shapes, and show that the area of a shape remains constant regardless of how its parts are rearranged E1.2 compose and decompose various structures, and identify the two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects that these structures contain
E1.3 construct and describe two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects that have matching halves E1.3 identify congruent lengths and angles in two-dimensional shapes by mentally and physically matching them, and determine if the shapes are congruent E1.3 identify congruent lengths, angles, and faces of three-dimensional objects by mentally and physically matching them, and determine if the objects are congruent
Location and Movement
E1.4 describe the relative locations of objects or people, using positional language E1.4 create and interpret simple maps of familiar places E1.4 give and follow multistep instructions involving movement from one location to another, including distances and half- and quarter-turns
E1.5 give and follow directions for moving from one location to another E1.5 describe the relative positions of several objects and the movements needed to get from one object to another

compare, estimate, and determine measurements in various contexts

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Attributes Length Length, Mass, and Capacity
E2.1 identify measurable attributes of two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects, including length, area, mass, capacity, and angle E2.1 choose and use non-standard units appropriately to measure lengths, and describe the inverse relationship between the size of a unit and the number of units needed E2.1 use appropriate units of length to estimate, measure, and compare the perimeters of polygons and curved shapes, and construct polygons with a given perimeter
E2.2 compare several everyday objects and order them according to length, area, mass, and capacity E2.2 explain the relationship between centimetres and metres as units of length, and use benchmarks for these units to estimate lengths E2.2 explain the relationships between millimetres, centimetres, metres, and kilometres as metric units of length, and use benchmarks for these units to estimate lengths
E2.3 measure and draw lengths in centimetres and metres, using a measuring tool, and recognize the impact of starting at points other than zero E2.3 use non-standard units appropriately to estimate, measure, and compare capacity, and explain the effect that overfilling or underfilling, and gaps between units, have on accuracy
E2.4 compare, estimate, and measure the mass of various objects, using a pan balance and non-standard units
E2.5 use various units of different sizes to measure the same attribute of a given item, and demonstrate that even though using different-sized units produces a different count, the size of the attribute remains the same
E2.3 read the date on a calendar, and use a calendar to identify days, weeks, months, holidays, and seasons E2.4 use units of time, including seconds, minutes, hours, and non-standard units, to describe the duration of various events E2.6 use analog and digital clocks and timers to tell time in hours, minutes, and seconds
E2.7 compare the areas of two-dimensional shapes by matching, covering, or decomposing and recomposing the shapes, and demonstrate that different shapes can have the same area
E2.8 use appropriate non-standard units to measure area, and explain the effect that gaps and overlaps have on accuracy
E2.9 use square centimetres (cm2) and square metres (m2) to estimate, measure, and compare the areas of various two-dimensional shapes, including those with curved sides