demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in everyday life

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Whole Numbers
B1.1 read and represent whole numbers up to and including 50, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life
B1.2 compose and decompose whole numbers up to and including 50, using a variety of tools and strategies, in various contexts B1.1 read, represent, compose, and decompose whole numbers up to and including 200, using a variety of tools and strategies, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life B1.1 read, represent, compose, and decompose whole numbers up to and including 1000, using a variety of tools and strategies, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life
B1.3 compare and order whole numbers up to and including 50, in various contexts B1.2 compare and order whole numbers up to and including 200, in various contexts B1.2 compare and order whole numbers up to and including 1000, in various contexts
B1.4 estimate the number of objects in collections of up to 50, and verify their estimates by counting B1.3 estimate the number of objects in collections of up to 200 and verify their estimates by counting B1.3 round whole numbers to the nearest ten or hundred, in various contexts
B1.5 count to 50 by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s, using a variety of tools and strategies B1.4 count to 200, including by 20s, 25s, and 50s, using a variety of tools and strategies B1.4 count to 1000, including by 50s, 100s, and 200s, using a variety of tools and strategies
B1.5 describe what makes a number even or odd B1.5 use place value when describing and representing multi-digit numbers in a variety of ways, including with base ten materials
B1.6 use drawings to represent and solve fair-share problems that involve 2 and 4 sharers, respectively, and have remainders of 1 or 2 B1.6 use drawings to represent, solve, and compare the results of fair-share problems that involve sharing up to 10 items among 2, 3, 4, and 6 sharers, including problems that result in whole numbers, mixed numbers, and fractional amounts B1.6 use drawings to represent, solve, and compare the results of fair-share problems that involve sharing up to 20 items among 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 sharers, including problems that result in whole numbers, mixed numbers, and fractional amounts
B1.7 recognize that one half and two fourths of the same whole are equal, in fair-sharing contexts B1.7 recognize that one third and two sixths of the same whole are equal, in fair-sharing contexts B1.7 represent and solve fair-share problems that focus on determining and using equivalent fractions, including problems that involve halves, fourths, and eighths; thirds and sixths; and fifths and tenths
B1.8 use drawings to compare and order unit fractions representing the individual portions that result when a whole is shared by different numbers of sharers, up to a maximum of 10

demonstrate an understanding of numbers and make connections to the way numbers are used in everyday life

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Properties and Relationships
B2.1 use the properties of addition and subtraction, and the relationship between addition and subtraction, to solve problems and check calculations B2.1 use the properties of addition and subtraction, and the relationships between addition and multiplication and between subtraction and division, to solve problems and check calculations B2.1 use the properties of operations, and the relationships between multiplication and division, to solve problems and check calculations
Math Facts
B2.2 recall and demonstrate addition facts for numbers up to 10, and related subtraction facts B2.2 recall and demonstrate addition facts for numbers up to 20, and related subtraction facts B2.2 recall and demonstrate multiplication facts of 2, 5, and 10, and related division facts
Mental Math
B2.3 use mental math strategies, including estimation, to add and subtract whole numbers that add up to no more than 20, and explain the strategies used B2.3 use mental math strategies, including estimation, to add and subtract whole numbers that add up to no more than 50, and explain the strategies used B2.3 use mental math strategies, including estimation, to add and subtract whole numbers that add up to no more than 1000, and explain the strategies used
Addition and Subtraction
B2.4 use objects, diagrams, and equations to represent, describe, and solve situations involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers that add up to no more than 50 B2.4 use objects, diagrams, and equations to represent, describe, and solve situations involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers that add up to no more than 100 B2.4 demonstrate an understanding of algorithms for adding and subtracting whole numbers by making connections to and describing the way other tools and strategies are used to add and subtract
B2.5 represent and solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers that add up to no more than 1000, using various tools and algorithms
Multiplication and Division
B2.6 represent multiplication of numbers up to 10 × 10 and division up to 100 ÷ 10, using a variety of tools and drawings, including arrays
B2.5 represent and solve equal-group problems where the total number of items is no more than 10, including problems in which each group is a half, using tools and drawings B2.5 represent multiplication as repeated equal groups, including groups of one half and one fourth, and solve related problems, using various tools and drawings B2.7 represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division, including problems that involve groups of one half, one fourth, and one third, using tools and drawings
B2.6 represent division of up to 12 items as the equal sharing of a quantity, and solve related problems, using various tools and drawings
B2.8 represent the connection between the numerator of a fraction and the repeated addition of the unit fraction with the same denominator using various tools and drawings, and standard fractional notation
B2.9 use the ratios of 1 to 2, 1 to 5, and 1 to 10 to scale up numbers and to solve problems